Devin Paullin

Chief Growth Officer

Devin Paullin is passionate about transforming healthcare and life sciences organizations, with a focus on delivering revenue-generating solutions that improve quality of life and health outcomes. Paullin has 25 years of experience, specializing in sales and marketing leadership, strategic partnership development, and product development. He developed first-to-market solutions, including the first to bring EHRs and Pharma together, and secured multi-million-dollar agreements for these services. He has worked with leading healthcare organizations and is recognized as one of the “PharmaVOICE 100 Most Inspiring Life Sciences Leaders.” Paullin has navigated growth in startups and large public companies, and launched Health eVillages with Donato J. Tramuto and RFK Human Rights, providing resources to healthcare workers in challenging environments.

Buzz combines the power of document sharing and e-signatures, Skyscape’s trusted 350+ volume clinical library, Skyscape Lightning™ Plus – ChatGPT and communication channels including texts, dictation, private calls, audio, images, reports, file and video sharing, and EMR integration. Agencies using the Buzz HIPAA compliant platform have increased their efficiency allowing staff to work together in new ways, and quickly identify potential issues improving patient outcomes leading to doubling their HCAHPS scores. Free pilot to see if it’s a fit. The Buzz platform is so feature-rich; that you’ll wonder how you managed without it.

Skyscape offers tools and references with a track record of improving clinical judgment and NCLEX® pass rates. In our flagship Skyscape Medical Library App, students can build a personal library from 350+ books from leading publishers. ​ Skyscape’s Skills Hub App gives students to opportunity to learn about a skill, watch a video, answer NCLEX-style questions for self-assessment, and record a video of themselves practicing the skill. Students can upload the video for peer or faculty review right from the app to our servers. In our NCLEX exam prep apps, students can answer thousands of practice questions anywhere & use the Ask-the-Expert tutoring service