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Add a User to Your Buzz Circle

Think of your Buzz Circle as your Buzz Address Book 📕.
Your trusted network of people you have added to your Buzz Contacts.
You can search and add more users to Buzz Circle or Invite others to Buzz.
Tap/Click Contacts to view your Buzz Circle.
Contacts screen shows you everyone who is in your Buzz Circle, in your Organization, your Groups, and even the Contacts on your device.
Tap/Click on a Contact to communicate.

  1. Tap on the Contacts button to open the ‘Contacts’ screen.
  2. Tap the 👤🔍 Find User or Add User👤+ icon.
  3. Use 🔍 Filter to search.
  4. Tap on someone to Add to your Buzz Circle.

From the Buzz Home screen Dashboard ☰:
Choose Contacts.
Click the Add User 👤+ icon
🔍 Search for a user.
Click on the Person to add to your Circle.

Or while in a Chat…
Click the Buzz Circle tab.
Click Add New.
🔍 Search for a user.
Click the person to add to your Circle.

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