The Skyscape Blog
What to Expect from the Healthcare Industry in 2022
The Underrated Staffing Crisis of Healthcare To prevent burnout among healthcare professionals, healthcare facilities must partner with technology vendors and consultants to ensure a smooth digital transformation. Healthcare workers, especially doctors and nurses, are...
Telehealth Privacy and Security Tips
Did you know that cyber-attacks are one of the fastest spreading crimes in the digital world? It is the third-largest "economy," right behind the United States and China, costing $6 trillion in 2021. In the U.S., the most affected victims apart from the small...
Is Your Healthcare Data Secure?
The massive threat that hackers pose to all industries, including healthcare came into sharp focus again. Last year, healthcare data breaches spiked by 55% – an alarming rate!!! Recent cyberattack exposed more than 54 million people to greater risk of fraud and...
Mobiles Lead Haiti Into the Future
Tim J. Bristol, PhD, RN, CNE The use of handheld technology has proven time and again to be crucial to healthcare over the past two decades. In many developing countries this is no exception. When a hand held device can have books, notes, and even communication tools...
SkillsHub – Get Ready for the Workplace
Prepare your students for the workplace Get away from the paper-based checklists and using text books that were obsolete at time of print. Skyscape's Skills Hub platform allows you to spend more time teaching and impacting outcomes by:Electronically giving immediate...
Key Strategies – How Mobile Tech Can Slash Rehospitalizations and Boost HCAHPS Scores
"We’ve been able to cut our rehospitalization rate in more than half.”- Joshua Simpson In this webinar, we'll discuss tools and strategies you can use to drastically reduce rehospitalizations, increase Medicare ratings, and improve HCAHPS scores, as well as some tips...
How to Keep Your Smart Device Sanitary
Please raise your hand if you've ever dropped your phone on the ground. You hold your breath as you reach down and pray that your screen hasn't cracked. Flipping it over you find a perfectly smooth screen and you put it back in your pocket and continue with your day....
Telehealth Coding and Billing During COVID-19 for Curbside Consultation vs Doc to Doc vs Formal Consultation
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Telehealth offers medical practices the ability to continue caring for their patients, both those with and those without COVID-19. In order to mitigate exposure of patients who are sick or at-risk due to other conditions,...
Mobile Secure Communication Increases Patient Engagement
Patient engagement is an important theme discussed by many clinicians and hospital leaders. The healthcare industry is a competitive marketplace where patients have several choices about what doctors to see and what clinics to visit. The term “patient engagement”...
When you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em
Recently, I attended a Rewards & Recognition gala in Boston, where many of our physician friends were present. Physician Burnout During social hour and discussion, we talked about the topic that invariably creeps up in such groups. It was about growing physician...